Monday, 26 September 2011

Now that the first post is over.....

Alright, now that the very first and awkward blog is out of the way.

I have been taking ballet lessons for approx 3 months. I absolutely love ballet.
My passion for ballet seemed to appear almost from nowhere one day, I always appreciated the idea of ballet, and admired the strength and flexibility of all those incredible dancer's but as I aged it was a world beyond my grasp.
Out of nowhere the realization that dance is available to people of ALL ages, opened my eyes and mind to the possibility that I (a very out of shape women close to her 30's) could possibly take lessons. Well, after another 1-2 years of fighting with insecurities, money problems, and feelings of selfishness (why are women conditioned to give all to others and save nothing for themselves?) I finally reached a point in my life, where if I was going to do SOMETHING, now is the time, because I had ENOUGH of regret.

Two weeks or so later, I enrolled in my very first ballet lesson, and I've been hooked ever since. Ballet is life changing. It gives you something to strive for, an excuse to work hard, and push your body farther then you might normally would, and the reward is beyond explanation.

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